The Fill difference

Discover the true value of your recruitment efforts with our ROI calculator. Try it out.


Save hours and find better talent at the click of a button. Build your own network or find talent through Fill.


Onboard vendors in minutes, gather all necessary information, and centralize invoices seamlessly through our top-notch vendor portal.

Pay & analyze

Unlock powerful insights on your spending performance through our out of the box analytics module. Pay less time on payments.


Collaborate between internal stakeholders and extended partners through one interface.

Your questions answered

You might be wondering what Fill can do for your company? A first step is to get to know each other. 

We're strong believers of partnerships, meaning we both need to be a good fit for each others businesses. That is why we put a lot of time and energy in getting to know you and your situations before forcing feeding you with out solution.

Talk to Fredrik

Jannice Fox

Fredrik is one of our four founders. He is an expert problem solver and has been a sales representative for Fill for more than 3 years and helped more than 100 enterprises and start-ups in finding the right solution to solve their problems.